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Get ideas and inspiration. Read strategies employed by innovative companies that have nailed the art and science of personalized engagement with their visitors and customers.

Promotion optimization: How to incentivize conversions and reduce margin loss

With companies now competing for attention by lowering prices, how can you acquire consumers without selling at a loss, or — more importantly — devaluing the brand?

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the ecommerce solution for a privacy-first world

Goodbye PII: Solving for a privacy-first world

What if the answer to less PII isn’t discovering how to collect more of it, but rather removing the reliance on it?

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Building stronger software solutions through partnerships at Session AI

Partners bring out the value of a product by filling one another’s gaps and making 1+1=3

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Changes are coming to Google Analytics: Here’s how they’ll impact your ecommerce business

What you need to prepare for as Google says goodbye to Universal Analytics and hello to Google Analytics 4.

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NRF 2023 takeaways: Retail set to combat uncertainty with agility

The retail industry and the behaviors of its consumers are continually shifting as inflation increases, budgets decrease, and trends evolve. At NRF 2023, we learned the six ways retailers are strategizing to succeed this year.

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Grow business with less resources

How to drive ecommerce revenue growth with shrinking resources

Key areas a digital brand can improve — without adding more manpower or budget — to help drive ecommerce revenue growth in 2023.

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Real-time consumer behavior messaging

Behavioral segmentation: Better understand consumer actions to improve marketing reactions

The most competitive ecommerce brands are the ones capable of delivering a personalized experience for each customer (even anonymous) at every step.

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What are the CPRA, CPA, VCDPA, and CTDPA?

How the latest privacy regulations will impact AI for ecommerce

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A world without third-party cookies

With third-party cookie retirement becoming imminent, advertisers and agencies will need to invest in resources to implement new targeting and measurement tools that are technologically sound, scalable, and in alignment with regulatory requirements.

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