The emergence of theĀ intelligence layer
The journey from data to intelligence As consumer engagement has matured, we have evolved from a discussion of tactics (email, SMS, push notifications), to a discussion of the data that powers those tactics (CDP, analytics, insights), to finally landing on the paramount discussion of the intelligence that powers the interactions. Five years from now, I […]
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Machine learning models in event-driven architectures
A variety of real-world processes produce sequences of data whose complex temporal dynamics need to be modeled. For example, real-time event-driven customer interaction systems capture user actions (events) generated by customers on web and mobile applications. These user actions across various digital end-points are directed towards achieving specific outcomes and represent certain user intent. The […]
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COVID-19 and the changing face of retail food
The COVID-19 pandemic is quickly changing the face of retail food. Independent and big brand food stores, restaurants and the quick service restaurants (QSR) are all swiftly adapting to the crisis. The speed of the outbreak has forced them to swiftly rethink their business and services to stay connected, safe, and afloat in these turbulent […]
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