The emergence of the intelligence layer
The journey from data to intelligence As consumer engagement has matured, we have evolved from a discussion of tactics (email, SMS, push notifications), to a discussion of the data that powers those tactics (CDP, analytics, insights), to finally landing on the paramount discussion of the intelligence that powers the interactions. Five years from now, I […]
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Is There Wind in Your Sails?
Navigating the e-commerce waters successfully, during the pandemic and beyond Momentum is a funny thing. Without it, you can’t sail your ship. With it, you must navigate carefully to ensure the wind stays in your sails. In the world of digital commerce, there are often many ships-a-sail requiring careful navigation. With the acceleration of e-commerce […]
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COVID-19 and the changing face of retail food
The COVID-19 pandemic is quickly changing the face of retail food. Independent and big brand food stores, restaurants and the quick service restaurants (QSR) are all swiftly adapting to the crisis. The speed of the outbreak has forced them to swiftly rethink their business and services to stay connected, safe, and afloat in these turbulent […]
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Gaining consumer trust online in uncertain times
Online shopping has become an essential service during the COVID-19 crisis. No longer is going to the supermarket, bank, or mall a safe option for consumers. Rather, sourcing and purchasing from the safety and comfort of one’s home is the new normal. Online retailers are experiencing surges of 30 percent and higher, traffic is scaling and […]
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‘Tis the Season of Uncertainty
How Retailers Can Prepare for the 2020 Holiday Shopping Season The holiday season is the most critical time of the year for retailers. In fact, over 20% of annual sales across major retail sectors in 2018 stemmed from holiday sales. Historically, elevated holiday sales have been driven by creating exceptional in-person customer experiences, ranging from […]
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