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Top ecommerce marketing strategies for 2023

What works in this privacy-first world and what needs to be eliminated from your eCommerce marketing strategy? Below highlights the top tactics for 2023.

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Promotion optimization: How to incentivize conversions and reduce margin loss

With companies now competing for attention by lowering prices, how can you acquire consumers without selling at a loss, or — more importantly — devaluing the brand?

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the ecommerce solution for a privacy-first world

Goodbye PII: Solving for a privacy-first world

What if the answer to less PII isn’t discovering how to collect more of it, but rather removing the reliance on it?

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Building stronger software solutions through partnerships at Session AI

Partners bring out the value of a product by filling one another’s gaps and making 1+1=3

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Historical data is so outdated

Poor data costs U.S. businesses $600 billion yearly. Avoid adding to this number by finding a better source of truth than historical data.

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Machine learning models in event-driven architectures

A variety of real-world processes produce sequences of data whose complex temporal dynamics need to be modeled. For example, real-time event-driven customer interaction systems capture user actions (events) generated by customers on web and mobile applications. These user actions across various digital end-points are directed towards achieving specific outcomes and represent certain user intent. The […]

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