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10 Ways to boost your revenue this Black Friday

10 ways to boost your revenue this Black Friday (and 3 big mistakes to avoid)

Black Friday presents an incredible window of opportunity for online retailers to boost their revenue. By leveraging Black Friday marketing strategies, your ecommerce store will be able to effectively generate sales and grow your customer base.

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Promotion optimization: How to incentivize conversions and reduce margin loss

With companies now competing for attention by lowering prices, how can you acquire consumers without selling at a loss, or — more importantly — devaluing the brand?

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Changes are coming to Google Analytics: Here’s how they’ll impact your ecommerce business

What you need to prepare for as Google says goodbye to Universal Analytics and hello to Google Analytics 4.

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How to do less offers but earn more revenue

Less offers, more revenue: 10 strategies to limit promotions without limiting conversions

How can ecommerce brands avoid a race to the bottom in a high-promotion environment?

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Grow business with less resources

How to drive ecommerce revenue growth with shrinking resources

Key areas a digital brand can improve — without adding more manpower or budget — to help drive ecommerce revenue growth in 2023.

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Post-purchase experiences: Building loyalty and growing revenue after checkout

Rising acquisition costs and declining consumer spending have ecommerce brands searching for new avenues to avoid a sharp decline in revenue. The inflated prices of acquiring web visitors make it critical that every engagement counts. Traditionally, site visitors that didn’t convert would be retargeted with personalized ads based on their viewing history. With this option […]

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10 steps to conversion rate optimization

Ecommerce conversion rate optimization: 9 ways to improve your sales

Conversion rate optimization helps mitigate lost revenue by minimizing friction throughout the shopping experience.

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Why is consumer behavior shifting toward buy now, pay later?

A 2022 Lending Tree survey found that 43% of people used BNPL — up from 31% in 2021.

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How to overcome overstocked inventory

Overcome the overstock: How to eliminate overstock inventory without steep discounts

Four ways to offload your overstocked inventory without taking a total margin loss.

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